Tuesday, August 22, 2017

NO Fear

I listened to a piece on NPR yesterday about “Women involved with White Supremacy” and was so taken aback by her candid and blatantly heart-breaking truth, the tears rolled. This woman avowed that White Supremacy feed on, and practice the art of intimidation through inciting fear. She flat out bragged about it.

I guess the hardest part to consume was the fact that this “White Supremacist Woman” was so matter of fact about the use of angst and unease to recruit other women to her cause. A cause that is old and tattered, ugly and archaic, mind-numbingly WRONG; but it is out there… it is.

She (the interviewee) stated unequivocally that “the fear factor” is how they get people to join them. And while I have always known this kind of brain washing exists, I could not believe that she would be so cavalier in her conviction, like a cold slap in our face - but soon the realization settled in and it looked like this: My goddess, if people won’t educate themselves and they allow the toxicity of fear-mongering to rule their lives, it is not a wonder they are led to believe anything.

Instinctively, women tend to connect to the ‘mother’ (the feminine energy) with a deeper understanding. They know of nurturing the goodness inside and in life, but, when this is connection is lost, some will head to the darker warrior (available in us all) that runs with the wolves in sheep’s clothing. They gather the vulnerable with a collection of worrisome thoughts and say, “there is safety in numbers.” They call to unite in an unjustifiable nightmare, seeking solidarity in their cause.

So my Sisters, my Brothers, my Family of love and light…. this is a problem.

The disasters of the misinformed we encounter look random and chaotic – they are not. They are succinct, purposeful and powerful. When nature rages, she has a purpose, she a natural progression and intelligence – but when we rage, we are simply out of control. Unfortunately, we are often times the sole victims of a toxic force with no one is to blame but our self.

So when fear rises, it is our humanness engaging in the chaos. Man-made disorder is comprised of negativity (ego) so the challenge is to go beyond…

And when the back-lash of truth explodes as a fear; it has irreversible consequences. See the truth can be a lonesome and desperate place, so it is much easier to create a veil, a mask, a shield to hide behind and evoke a fire that has been dormant for quite some time.

It is so very dangerous to deny this is happening. As groups amass and continue to propagate dramatic situations to try to keep us weak and ignorant – how do protect the innocent?
I for one, won’t stand for it and I know - True power doesn’t lie in fear – it rises in love.

And even with the best intended relationships, “the truth” can hold a violent side yet I know, a hierarchy of peace will override the hate - hands down and we have a choice.

Hands to the heart center, I say a little prayer. In the meantime, the best I/we can do is be an advocate for the innocent, a voice for the voiceless and send out love driven massages seeped in truth no matter how monstrous the opposition seems. We are bigger, smarter, and stronger than hate.

Don’t be intimidated by this truth… “The truth shall set us free”

-debbie lynn

Sunday, August 20, 2017


I was off the grid for a while.
When we returned, I was more than appalled by the current affairs and the horrid happenings (not to mention my disdain to the non-stop rhetoric of POTUS responding to the atrocity).

As I scrolled though my news feed I read a myriad soap-boxed posts professing their “whiteness” and love for all colors, races and creeds, etc. With my heart and mind aflame I started to join the call, but as I did, something changed inside me. I thought I was armed and ready to shame the shamers for shaming, yet I stopped.

I realized sounding off on social media (gathering likes to stroke my ego) is such a waste. What would a few harsh words do anyway? And my “friends”? I already know they are with me (we share common values) so it is obvious that my redundancy would be nothing more than redundant. After all, there were plenty of voices and respected writers saying the same thing, “We are disgusted, we are saddened, and we are over it”

With that, all the words drained from my head and for once…I backed off. This is not my normal M.O. and I began to question my motive. I wondered where I was headed and who really gave a shit. I looked into my ego and saw this arrogant position I where I had planted my feet in and realized it was nothing but mud.
I felt dirty, I felt remorse, I desperately needed a spiritual bath.

But the biggest revelation hit my heart hard and turned me inside out. I just didn’t have the will or the fervor to make “the right” noise. This change in persona has been a long time in the making. Call it old age, or ageless wisdom but to add more agitation to the already chaotic and ugly situation seems futile.

My stand is common—a thread we all share—so I sit here and ponder how to help.
Duh, we all know right from wrong. We all know hatred is born and bred in ignorance. Honestly, right now, I don’t have a better answer but in the progressive world we live in, I feel it must be different, yet it isn’t.

My granddaughter is of color and she is well aware of this fact but she is NOT aware of how much hatred there is against it. She just doesn’t acknowledge it, and blissfully blind, she is a child, but (most importantly) she is being raised to love and respect everyone. And I never thought her skin would be an issue, but lately I feel the need to protect her. I would be lying if I told you I don’t have some fear for her safety, so my only consolation is that with my heart of hearts, I understand it is only a small portion of the population.

For a long time I have been under the influence of a gentler vision for our world and a non-violent approach to our current state of affairs, so a rant to fight what is not fightable is a steep contradiction.
I realize my words would be (in fact) violent. So (for me) ranting—no matter how well conceived—is a form of violence. The end.

Many will dispute that we must raise our voices to be heard, and my stand has been, and will continue to be, raise your vibration instead (it’s contagious). The bar has been set high on this one and it is about raising consciousness, not a hand or angry words. I am proud of my decision not to write out the nastiness, but I struggle (I do). I want desperately to find a way to soften the hard edges, yet I know we need them and I wrote:

We all know the atrocity in the aftermath of racism—but I have to believe that our time is not their time…. How about a different agenda?
Light up!
Twisted woven nightmares—the unthinkable just keeps seeping into our space.
But we have the power to stand, to untie and to wake-the-fuck UP. And talk? It is cheap—it isn’t until the moon passes the sun, mercury does its thing and we are shaken to our weary bones that change is going to happen. It won’t be pretty. Are you ready? Darkness cannot illuminate a sunless planet… it is timely, but far from hopeless. We need sharp edges to cut away the poison crap and then we all soften.
The Yin to the Yang to the bone, say a little prayer…it is time, more than time.

And the song that is more than an earworm looping over and over again:

“You may I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one. I hope someday you will join me, and the world will live as one.” – John Lennon

Friday, August 4, 2017

The Silver Lining

Responding to a current wave of shaming “positivity”…
This isn’t about hiding or denying our most intimate feelings, it is about coming to terms with anger and sadness from the things we have had to deal with in our life, and trying to make it tolerable… and my Goddess, a little “Love and Light” never hurt anyone.

“Ignore those that make you fearful and sad, that degrade you back towards disease and death.”

It’s OK to reach up-and-out for the ‘Silver Lining’

“The wound is the place where the Light enters you.”
― Rumi

Reality is going to hit each and every person differently…

Trauma changes us, pain changes us, and that silver lining? It can certainly be blackened by the elements (suppressing our emotions). But what if the human condition is craving betterment? By “betterment” I don’t mean fluffy puppies and unicorns, I mean a raw commitment to working through the hideous atrocities some of us have gone through - and perhaps instead of celebrating the path of demoralization, we choose to stand up to the things that plague our soul. 

As we rise, we just might find some solace in the past and the shit will be minimized, slightly desensitized, in our memory. Never forgotten, but perhaps an internal self-forgiveness which means easing up on our anger, resentment, and our hardened heart for hanging our ‘stuff’ on others – realizing that the blame that might just need to go. 

Here I speak with sincerity; it feels good, and it is A LOT better than clinging to the past in righteousness. It’s a little liberation for heart and mind and I know, I truly know there are new beginnings when the old stuff ends. The portal to peace opens, it is up to each one of us to now step through.

-debbie lynn
