Saturday, September 17, 2016


We are….
A diamond in the rough filled with malachite dreams, the coal that has turned to serenity. This is where our transformation begins as the pressure to forgive creates the heat, and in the heat of the moment there is a cry for change.

White light emerges and shines on the target where an ancient mother load of truth can be mined if we are careful – and yet it can feel like a million needles piercing the skin.

It’s a process.

The inner alchemy is blood-to-rubies, this is the how we recycle pain and there is always a pay-off, always someone waiting to buy our “stuff.”

We can make it, break it, or we turn it into something new, brilliant, and something rare.

When we hold vigil in our silence integrity forms. It is another gift given to us from our core that is hard at work creating gems. This is where possibility resides - full, sparkling, and waiting to be received with open arms.

Reviving what we inherently know is Spiritual Alchemy and after the transformation we stand stronger, wiser and better for the pain. This is the beauty of live and let live if we are able to steer clear of the rabbit hole.

And they say that diamonds are a girl’s best friend yet there is no friendship worth the cost of the fire in the belly that taints the heart with revenge, aggression and anger.

Rise above it.

Gems that sparkle can blind the eye, so sometimes it is better to be the rock that hasn’t been polished yet. We must learn that values are only as real as we want them to be and the dream of arrival is not based on anything money can buy.

Discernment is key.

Then, when it is all over, all said and done, we can turn in and see the shimmer in our truth that has touched many and dancing in a memory of the distant emotions.

We become subdued, solid and then we are done.

And when it is asked, “Where did all that pressure to be perfection come from? We thankfully answer, “From inner change” - and rightfully so because no one needs to be molded into something that doesn’t feel good.

Say a little prayer, an inner apology and life goes on. No past is worth clinging to when we have been recycled, enlightened, and truly forgiven in our own surrender.

Forever catching the light, it shows in your eyes…
Shine on you crazy diamond; you are in very good company.

-debbie lynn

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