Tuesday, January 11, 2011

~ Past Please ~

Remember where you come from and then be done. 

Our past is just that, the past. What do you hold on to?
Pieces of your experiences are there embedded in the memory - some good, some not so good. It is how you hold those pieces that make us who we are today. 
The best part of our brain is the ability of recall or the ability to shut out what you do not want to remember. The trick to getting past some of the collected pain, fear, anger is:
A.) looking to what triggered this
B.) understanding it just was.
C.) Not retelling the painful story ( this gives the story life and validity) 

You do not have to have instant replay. Take the tape out if it is troubling you. Every time you go back in your mind and it brings up the uncomfortable you get to acknowledge this and then dismiss it. 
The simple practice of saying thank you but those memories do not serve you will begin to train your mind to release the toxicity of the negativity that has a grip on your forward movement. Remember you are DONE. 
That moment has long passed even if it was only a second ago. 

Finding the experiences from your heart center that bring a smile to your body, that have helped you grow, alter a vision, or simply give you peace is the path to your health and your being. 
We are so conditioned to believe that drama and pain are what we have to live with. I say no to this. Life happens, this is true, yet your actions or non-action and reactions can be used to move us, and bring you to a better understanding of how we create our day without the heaviness hanging over our head.
Exercising and practicing in the mind daily is the key to the release. You have work to do, do your work with the understanding that inner peace is the pay-off. This is a trickle effect, watch how you glow and how others respond to your shine. (DL)

1 comment:

realwealth1 said...

I love this post. Thankfully I have grown to be pretty adept at this practice. Always welcome reminders... :)
