Thursday, January 24, 2013

~ Our partners in relation to the ship that sails..

They show up when you least expect it. That is when chasing the elusive perfection comes to an end and we are open to what/who stands in front of us.

Going in… Be a friend before a lover.

The most important thing to remember is that Love will never hurt you… But, Emotions attached to what love is "supposed" to look like - will.

The first one who takes our breath away isn't always the one who will resuscitate us. In the beginning we are blinded, excited, unsure, but that is temporary, Know this well.. We all change and you must be open to this. Nothing will be the same as it was when you first met, this is a truth, and trying to keep it in its original form is the open door to resentment. You may grow together, or grow apart..that is how life works. Simple. Don't make it complicated or dramatic.

They can not read your mind.. so speak openly. Communicate. If you think they "should know" because they know you? That is selfish and unyielding.

If there are red flags? Your heart will tell you. Listen or pay the price. Don't allow someone in just to fill the void. If you think you will be the catalyst for better behavior, you are sadly mistaken. Don't let your ego fool you…They will only take on their change when they are ready willing and able. Waiting for this to happen? A root cause of suffering.

Don't hide what you love to do, to feel or to see.. How dare you be dishonest or ashamed for the sake or fear of losing them. That is disrespecting them, more importantly disrespecting your own Soul.

Accept them, all of them, just as you want to be accepted. If you can not at an early stage of the relationship, bow out - it will not be any different down the road.

Choose your battles. Really ? What purpose does it serve to fight. The answer is.. None. There is NO winner.. only pain.

Give each other time and space.. it is the gift of being true.
And if it ends, It was not meant to be. Thank them. You two came together for many reasons. Hopefully you can walk on with peace and dignity. Remember you chose them to be in your life and if you have ill-will now, what kind of a reflection are you honestly looking at?

Lastly, the heart may feel broken for the moment, but all that means is you are truly open, you will heal. And.. it is a beautiful reminder of just how alive you are ♥ (dl)
~ this was written in response to a heart felt message received today.. Thank you ~ A.Z.

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