As I am scrolling through my feed, I notice that lately, there is an unusually high amount of complaints and ranting going on…
(Even the positivity bandwagon has a smidge of the sarcastic.)
It looks like a backlash of the pleasers, appeasers and the ones who have tippy toed around some BS in order to keep the peace are standing up. Which of course, is fine. Yay… Stand tall.
But maybe the question is: what is there to prove? And who are they/we trying to convince? Vindication only satisfies the empty, hungry, hurting ego – not a stable, and full soul.…And it may be good to vent, but not so good to vent about being judged while condemning and judging the judgers. See the irony here?
It is pretty easy to get lost in our own perspectives (as I am right now.) The minutia of our daily grind takes precedence and well, we simply forget how meaningful life is without drama, and we fall into the trap of the ego/mind wanting acknowledgment of the trivial.
So – perhaps to be “right”, but in our own space is the answer, (the higher road) because we don’t need to look for approval or the accolades in and of our own opinions. That is exactly how we all separate, (begin to take sides.)
There are no winners in an argument, ever. There is nothing but heat and in the end ...who cares really? When we start a war with words, all bets are off. The oneness is gone, separation we try to avoid gets wider, deeper and the hole is far from full.
When we get hurt by another, our natural recourse is to respond but when we allow that ignorance to enter our head, the only thing accomplished is a bruised ego –
The thing about being “Spiritual” is that the path to peace is to learn and discern what our inner truth is – not take on someone else’s view of it. ~ don't take it personal ~
Breathe… Don’t subscribe to anything in that doesn’t feel good.
So before the rant flies off the fingertips or worse, consider the source and then the consequences of the road you are about to embark on.
In the end, it saves a lot of wasted time in regret and apologies. (dl)
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