I do Yoga…
But I don't meet and greet, or say goodbye with Namaste. I live in my yoga pants, not because I want it be known I do yoga, but because I am 53, and they feel good on my menopausal belly. On occasion, I drop the f-bomb (but not as much as I used to). I have a deep respect for Mother Nature…(However, I am not a fan of some of her antics i.e. mosquitoes, slugs, and other assorted sea creatures.)
So what’s the point? It is simple.
Our practice doesn’t need a facade. Practice is an ongoing transformation of the internal without having to compete with another or make a statement about it, and it is personal. – There are no rules especially in Yoga, so as we all try to be unique there isn’t an “image” to follow – (which completely resonates with me, I am not too good at following…)
Most importantly…WE don't have "to be, or look like" anything but a body in motion with an intentional quest to rise (mentally and physically.)
NO one said, “it looks or sounds like this” – The ‘look’ just evolved, but it doesn’t have to be seen as the dread-lock dude or the flowy clothed woman. It doesn’t mean the mala wearing sun child has more wisdom, or the tree hugger has more peace. It also doesn’t mean the body sporting a 6-pac has better balance in their life –
It is all a facade (good or bad), and those exteriors are no more real than the Armani Suit wearer, Gucci bag holder, or the neatly quaffed runner sporting Nike head to toe. But do we become what we wear....Some would say this to be true.
They would argue that our clothing, our expressions our swag is all an extension of self. Perhaps…It is hard to say.
– Is this a judgment? Yes. But when we long to stand out, (and we all do until we figure out it isn’t necessary) it is easy to fall into the image trap, and the outside is the first thing within reach. Obviously, the exterior is changeable with the least amount of work which is fine, but walking the talk is what sets us apart creates a beautiful soul.
~ When you begin inside, the rest just flows naturally…
So to keep on track here –
Through our practice, we emerge.. the exterior layer is secondary.
It isn’t what we wear, say or how we look. It is how we live, breathe and what we know inside beginning with love, respect, and kindness.
It isn't saying and reciting Sanskrit or bowing deeply - it is living the meanings fully. It isn't how many poses you are good at; it is what the pose does to your heart/mind body and soul.
No matter how you clothe the outer, the heart and mind need to be attended to, as well. They need the sun to shine on their nakedness, and they also need to be clothed and protected from the elements (mental/physical stress) - but that won’t happen until there is inner purpose.
This is the beauty of Yoga; it does this brilliantly hand in hand with a commitment to self-betterment, not a pseudo-exterior.
Live well, be well – Move.
Silently find your stance and wear that stance with a quiet inner pride. The transformation evolves from a little light inside to a glow that is seen for miles. When it is genuine there is no reason for a facade, clothing is optional, and the heart is completely transparent… Get your wings on, fly your warrior (dl)
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