Did someone push your pissy button today? How did that work
out for you? My guess is, not very well.
While we wrestle with the ego/mind and spiritual growth, the
one thing we tend forget is we are human.
Even the most “enlightened” soul will agree, anger comes up; negative
emotions are real, and that is (in fact) - life.
But what helps keep us balanced instead of going off the
deep end is a pause (the long deep breath.... and or many). Then we can get bigger than the ego
that longs to fight back and jump into the abyss of nastiness; and as we all
know, that nastiness can be oh so regrettable. It is reeling in the lower self and getting a handle on all
the “sensitive stuff” that stays in the angry dimension of emotional
righteousness and vindication.
We have to trust what is in front of us (good, bad and
ugly) and trust it is nothing more than rigorous practice showing up as life in
motion. We need the motion (the
ups and downs) to preserve those special times when we are still. And in our stillness, it is completely
possible to move on, to rise, and go beyond all the bruised feelings.
So with a bit of logic and discernment, it is easier to see
what triggers "sensitivity" inside. As we get better at this, the things that used to hurt or piss
us off begin to wane. Inner
maturity (confidence) grows up and people and places that are toxic are no
longer an interest.
Awareness is good like that – it brings a bigger view as it opens
the compassion door a bit wider. And
with a shrug of the shoulder, we can take off the "defenses” to dress the
way we want to dress without worrying about judgment.
It is time to release the excuse of being sensitive as a way
to allow our ego to be wounded because a sensitive soul “knows” better and won’t
dwell. They know sensitivity
rounds out compassion for others and there is an understanding that “knowing”
comes from being acutely aware (sensitive) to the origin of our pain. The pain
happened, it came; now it is gone.
Everything is derived from one experience to another. We are so very multi-layered and
complicated it is a wonder we can function at all – but we do.
So it is up to each one of us to use and soften our stance,
our senses, and sensibilities.
Learning to be sensitive to our self, our surroundings, and situations
takes us to a higher vibration, but sensitive to our old garbage just makes us
lowly and harden. The harder we
are, the easier we crack. We don’t
need to be that way… life is way to short to be in pieces all the time. (dl)