Monday, January 19, 2015


Depending on desperation, many spiritual ideals are taken out of context, stuffed into a situation which needs some attention and sprinkled with unreal expectation then…. the whole thing falls apart. This is the direct line to self-deception and where any hope we have held on to begins to wane.

But the problem with so much of the information we take in is: it isn’t complete and when words are missing, the meaning changes. Then the concept just doesn’t make sense but more importantly, the message becomes tainted and obsolete.  Many, (at this point) feel depleted and give up as bitterness and disbelief sets in.

This is why it is so important to find your way via intuition (our gut instinct) that was gifted to us…. Hear it and heed it.  That core connection is the universal thread to life and holds more information than any book, seminar, Guru or retreat.  We are brought in by the umbilical – the cord of life that is always with us and sustains a universal parallel, brilliant, strong and united.

Know that nothing is “coming”, everything is here and changing, so waiting for divinity to hold our hand is futile.  We can’t sit back and expect good things to just happen; we make them happen.  We make our luck, our fortune, and our path (no matter how good or bad life is). We make life complete by our view and then how we respond to what we see. Period. When this is understood, the rest just falls into place.

Detach from what you have been told; reattach your self to yourself.  If you believe we are one, then this concept begins to unfold as responsibility.
It isn’t a new age concept, or a spiritual concept; It is simple logic.

Denial and blame reduce our capabilities and we get weak as twisted things enter the mind, but it doesn’t have to be this way. Even though we will always have some sort of problems, when we accept the things that are beyond our control we can find a bit of relief, and with relief it is easier to cope with our world.

So when life is messy call on your inner knowing. Trust what feels right and don’t be afraid to listen.  It takes a bit of courage and self love but we all have the same ability. NO one is more special, more gifted, or has more understanding about you than you. This is the only way to get beyond outer toxicity. Believe it, feel it, live it large.
-debbie lynn

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