Thursday, February 2, 2017


There is a beautiful allure about not knowing (especially in relationships) as we weave in and out of familiarity....
There are things we do together in harmony and in sync with cosmic wheel of unity - and they will happen spontaneously as we learn to be with each other and accept each other as individuals.

This is the synchronicity of our connection(s) and the light of sharing experiences - so don’t lose it, don’t ruin it by assumptions.

Don't try to force it.

Because the minute we think we “know” our partners, friends or family, it seems as if their enigmatic persona fades and we blame longevity; yet it isn’t the age of the relationship, it is the way we (and we alone) view it.

This is the downfall of having expectations and taking our relationships for granted. (Remember – NO one is the same as they were at the onset). We change, we grow, we make our paths hand in hand, or we really need to walk on.

It isn’t about “knowing them” it is about embracing habitual expectancy. Use the habits (the mannerisms) as possibility, not as an excuse or a mind-reading tool. 

Discovery keeps life fresh, while being a knower will suffocate that aliveness in an instant.

Revive your relationship.... celebrate solidarity in each and every soul.

-debbie lynn

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