Monday, September 8, 2014

~ One Candle...

~ As we watch the ones we love make life so incredibly complicated the question rises…. Why do they instill such a mess (in the head)? Why do they always have to have something to clean up? Is it out of habit? Boredom or addiction to drama? 

What an exhausting way to live - and they are tired, constantly tired, believing the Universe has conspired against them but that is so twisted. Life isn’t about it/them against us – It isn’t a competition. 

And while every inch my heart wants to scoop them up and embrace their self-pity and sadness - I won’t. I refuse to empower that behavior. And on a higher level,we have to remember and understand it isn’t our place to fix their thinking. * Everyone must learn his or her limitations and responsibilities* It is Human 101 - the class of accountability.

So all we can do is listen and be there. Be above the ego that wants to set them straight, and just listen. Be above the urge the ego/mind has to judge and preach. (It is hard to fight it) but it is just an urge…. so reel it in then….

Take their hand; give them love. Take their sadness; give it hope. Take their darkness; light a candle but never take any of it inside. It is a fine line to walk. But it is our duty to them to stand just outside the pain… yet never far enough away we can’t touch them in some way. (dl)

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