Monday, June 7, 2010


We are all born into our mastery and I truly believe this concept.

What taints the way of our perfection after birth is our upbringing, our environment and how we establish our first connections.

Some believe that we choose our birth place and our parents? I am on the fence with this one but what I do understand is we are all equal at that moment of our first breath. After the breath, all the sights, sounds, air we touch, are different.

This is the beginning of our journey.

We, (as children) are molded and influenced as we soak up every bit of learning we can grasp.
As we grow, so do our experiences and expectations of self and the ones around us.
Disappointments, pains, human conditions shape the visions of our landscape. Some of us will see the trees in the forest, some will turn away. Some live in their darkness, some choose light. This is the yes /no, the battery terminal of the positive and negative that creates the space and the energy we call home.

Yhe beauty of all this energy (good and bad) is this:
Anyone can have change at any given moment if they want change.
Yet it is argued that there are souls who will never escape the torment of their being that they are forever "stuck" in time and space because of their situation, I view that differently.  Look at the child born into poverty who rises against the odds to become a healthy, wealthy ( in body, mind, soul and environment) adjusted adult.

Simply put; it is not settling for less than what we are born to have - mastery/ bliss/compassion and Peace.

The challenge is the work we have to do, to get where we want to go without giving up.
When the towel is thrown in, our power is gone. No one said it is easy. We have the dream of the greener grass, but that grass on the other side may have weeds you do not underlying disease that must be attended.

This means rising up against what hurts us, what makes us emotional, and what we know in our heart is best for our heart. It sometimes means losing family and friends, and a huge change in scenery but to co-exist with ourselves in a healthy meaning way, the adaptation of a new life is imperative when the old is nothing but a road block.

Setting the course for the happiness directed by the heart center is what the effort must be. Take the task in your hand. Stand tall for your convictions and be the master of your path, then everything else falls into place.

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