Wednesday, June 9, 2010


In desperation, longing for answers, many times we bypass the simplest elucidation and this
is what I call the seek and destroy mode.

Sometimes we sabotage our inner knowing by lack of trust, lack of security as misery clouds our better view, and by reaching out, it is easier to deny the accountability of our moment.

What happens when we seek?
There are opinions, theories and justifications from other souls. This is not a bad thing, it is the way we interact but I invite you to think about why you go outside your own heart to receive.
It all boils down to trusting your own voice and to stop second guessing the process.

We reach for an answer and expect gentle visions as we vie for the truth from others, yet distrust our own. Isn't funny how we tend to give that trust away? But shaping it up takes time and proof.
It is human nature to want approval with justification.

To be in alignment with our heart we have to start with what we already understand and then build on this. Put those expectations back unto our own and when we do this, we also relive the burden of others and lessen their responsibility to us - (less of a let down) and the relationship stays vital and lucrative.

You have only yourself to rely on, let clarification be always with you.

Destroy the disbelief, destroy the insecurities, destroy the dishonor of your understanding.
Seek to your heart, speak to your heart and listen to the sound of the internal answers you have. (dl)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well I'm very impressed with today's thoughts! Much to say not enough time! Or space on a page! Leave it to you to put nine thoughts in one's head with a few simple words. Very well put! Touche! TRUST YOUR SOUL!