Sunday, June 27, 2010
~ Compassion without Suffering ~
Being in compassion is there for us at birth. There are several layers to this as we grow. Our parents try to nurture this but our pears, and our environment tend to take it away. Some say an understanding of compassion can not happen without suffering, you should have exposure to both sides of a situation, { the dark vs. the light} so how can compassion be without suffering? It is a choice -
Look at the child who holds his prize possession dear - does that child know suffering? The typical child only knows comfort. He has, and is learning to love. He holds his object of affection with adornment. He will stroke it, coddle and protect it. This is his natural course of learned love and compassion.
The child is untainted by heart pain. The pain we grow up with , the pain we expect and the pain we spend the rest of our adult lives avoiding. It is not in his being to be any other way until the child is exposed to external emotions and crisis of life.
You see, the child has no desire to be anything but happy, loving, and caring. You can have this too.
He has not yet gained the experience of a time of strife, or experienced the reactions around him to know the payoff of suffering. Most who suffer aloud, long for and get much attention ( negative/positive) by their being in their state of duress.
The child is wise in his own ignorance. ~ thus ignorance is truly bliss ~
Constant bombardment of negativity is a sure way to create pain. We get this in all forms, the exposure is everywhere. Once you see again, in true childlike compassion through your recall (memory) you can understand what has been thrown at you is your pure learning. Put up your shield and stand tall in rejecting the pain. You get to dismiss the notion of suffering to have compassion. Your choice ~ simple ~
Some may argue that there is a lot of suffering that is not by choice. There is always someone else less fortunate than the next - it goes on and on. I know many who are disabled by disease, in a mangled body, in constant body pain but their spirits are more alive than some perfectly healthy souls. Why? Because they understand, despite their lack of fluid movement they still have love inside.
No one, no suffering can take that away. They also understand that their condition of the body is temporary and soon they will leave this plane for a new one so… they make the best and enjoy each moment and they have a deeper understanding of compassion through love not suffering.
They accept their path and they live. (DL)
Affirm: Today I am the child
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